Sunday, August 17, 2008

Interlaken, switzerland

For our second day in Interlaken, we decided to keep the bikes parked and head to the Jungfraujoch, or more commonly known as "The Top of Europe". It is the highest train station and post office in all of Europe at 11,333 feet or 3454 meters. It is an all day event so we left the hotel after breakfast (who had no ham, only a mystery meat so we skipped that and just had the cereal and breads) and walked through the train station at Interlaken Ost.

We got our tickets and got on the first train, which took us to a transfer station, then a second and finally a third which actually took us up to Jungfraujoch..

I somehow forgot to pack any pants or jeans and amazing enough at 11,000 feet it was still -2C and snowing. I did have a jacket and I'm from Butte so I toughed it out.

The top was amazing, and although it was tough to see at times because of the snow/clouds you could really get a feel for this place. It is truly like Glacier Park, but multiplied by 10. Truly amazing stuff.

There was typical tourist things there, and I bought a t-shirt to prove I've been there, but one of the neatest parts was the Ice Palace. They literally carved through the middle of a glacier and made rooms and ice sculptures and such, but the amazing part was being in 100 or 200 feet of ice and being able to see the movement lines of the ice.

After the Top of the World experience we boarded the train down, headed to Kleine Scheldegg and had brautworst and of course, beer, while waiting for the connecting train.

After we got back to Interlaken Ost, we walked down the street and stopped at Hooters-Interlaken, because they serve cold beer. And the girls wear *really* short shorts here.

After the beers, we went to a great Itillian place and had some spaghetti and more beer.

Back at the hotel, we're packing up to head out tomorrow morning.


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